Sorcery or Science?: Contesting Knowledge and Practice in West African Sufi Texts (Magic in History) .
Sorcery or Science? examines how two Sufi Muslim theologians who rose to prominence in the western Sahara Desert in the late eighteenth century, Sdi al-Mukhtr al-Kunt (d. 1811) and his son and successor, Sdi Muammad al-Kunt (d. 1826), decisively influenced the development of Sufi Muslim thought in West Africa.
Known as the Kunta scholars, Mukhtr al-Kunt and Muammad al-Kunt were influential teachers who developed a pedagogical network of students across the Sahara. In exploring their understanding of the realm of the unseena vast, invisible world that is both surrounded and interpenetrated by the visible worldAriela Marcus-Sells reveals how these theologians developed a set of practices that depended on knowledge of this unseen world and that allowed practitioners to manipulate the visible and invisible realms. They called these practices the sciences of the unseen. While they acknowledged that some Muslimsparticularly self-identified white Muslim elitesmight consider these practices to be sorcery, the Kunta scholars argued that these were legitimate Islamic practices. Marcus-Sells situates their ideas and beliefs within the historical and cultural context of the Sahara Desert, surveying the cosmology and metaphysics of the realm of the unseen and the history of magical discourses within the Hellenistic and Arabo-Islamic worlds.
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Authors: Ariela Marcus-Sells
Date: 2021
Upload Date: 6/4/2022 2:59:07 PM
Format: pdf
Pages: 232
Language: English
ISBN / ASIN: 0271092297
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