Web-based education (WBE) is crossing all boundaries of time, space, and language, but there are still many questions that need to be answered. Can traditional universities do a good job of WBE? What are the roles of instructors, administrators, and students? How should students be evaluated in WBE? These questions and more are addressed in this important book. Other issues addressed are test delivery evaluation, student perceptions of virtual education, comparisons between live lectures and Web-based lectures, online quizzes, the effectiveness of course Web sites, online test management tools, and Internet-based advising. This book looks forward to the future of Internet-based education while also recounting successful implementations and utilizations of this form of education in the recent past. This brings to the forefront multiple issues that face both educators and students as the concept grows and expands.
Authors: b-Based instructional Learning By Mehdi Khosrow-Pour
Date: 2002
Upload Date: 1/18/2021 4:43:05 PM
Format: PDF
Pages: 1
Language: English
ISBN / ASIN: 1931777047
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