
This book offers holistic, economic analysis of the on-going regulatory reform in the European banking industry. The author addresses the main opportunities and pitfalls related to post-crisis financial regulation, and investigates whether the proposed solutions provide an appropriate response to the problems within the EUs ailing banking sector. The author gives particular focus to the implementation of Basel III, the introduction of the Banking Union, the inclusion of bank governance elements into regulatory frameworks, and the country-specific aspects of regulation at a national level. The discussion builds upon existing literature in the field and takes a novel approach in its examination of banking regulations, their endogeneity and their interactions with bank governance. The book also analyses banking regulation in the EU within theoretical frameworks, as well as by means of empirical exercises. Insights into the theory and practical aspects of banking regulation make this book a valuable read for academics, researchers, students and practitioners alike.

Authors: Katarzyna Sum

Date: 2016

Upload Date: 5/8/2020 9:34:33 AM

Format: PDF

Pages: 1



Language: English

ISBN / ASIN: 3319413775


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