University Education, Controversy and Democratic Citizenship .

This book explores the role of the university in upholding democratic values for societal change. The chapters advocate for the moral virtue of democratic patriotism: the editors and contributors argue that universities, as institutions of higher learning, can encourage the creation of critical and patriotic citizens. The book suggests that non-violence, tolerance, and peaceful co-existence ought to manifest through pedagogical university actions on the basis of educators desire to cultivate reflectiveness, criticality, and deliberative inquiry in and through their academic programmes. In a way, universities can respond more positively to the violence on our campuses and in society if public and controversial issues were to be addressed through an education for democratic citizenship and human rights.

Authors: Nuraan Davids, Yusef Waghid

Date: 2021-01-01

Upload Date: 11/18/2020 9:02:40 AM

Format: PDF




Language: English

ISBN / ASIN: 3030569845


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