Electrical Engineering 101: Everything You Should Have Learned in School but Probably Didn’t .
Product The formal education of an electrical engineer is primarily mathematics and theory, with little practical information taught. Every beginning engineer needs a mentor to teach them the things that aren't taught in engineering school, but often lacks such a guide. This book fills that gap between theory and practice. Written by an expert electronics engineer who enjoys teaching the practical side of engineering, it covers all the subjects that a beginning EE needs to know: intuitive circuit and signal analysis, physical equivalents of electrical components, proper use of an oscilloscope, troubleshooting both digital and analog circuits, and much more.
The accompanying CD-ROM contains a reference library of electronics information, with demo simulation software and engineering calculators.
*Covers the engineering basics that have been either left out of a typical engineer's education or forgotten over time
*No other book offers a wealth of "insider information" in one volume, specifically geared to help new engineers and provide a refresher for those with more experience
*The accompanying CD-ROM contains a reference library of electronics information, with demo simulation software and engineering calculators
Authors: Darren Ashby
Date: 2005
Upload Date: 9/15/2021 11:13:31 PM
Format: djvu
Pages: 1
Language: English
ISBN / ASIN: 0750678127
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