Heretics Within: Anthony Wotton, John Goodwin and the Orthodox Divines
When, early in the seventeenth century, the puritan pastor Anthony Wotton started to circulate manuscript statements of his theological revision, he was courting danger. Wotton was at once bold and subtle, a provocation to clerical brethren yet a skilled exponent of their technical disciplines. He addressed matters of fundamental importance: Christ’s redemptive suffering and the imputation of justifying righteousness, God’s saving grace and the moral law, faith and works, the gracious covenant and the legal covenant. Crucially important, for Wotton, was the interpretation of St. Paul’s epistles in relation to the justification of sinners. This book examines Wotton’s revisionary writings and the bitter doctrinal controversy that they stimulated, and traces the Wottonian complexion of the theology of John Goodwin, who became, over the course of a period of thirty years, a prolific exponent of unorthodox notions perhaps the most provocative of England’s learned hereticsand
blasphemersin the age of t
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Authors: David Parnham
Date: 2021
Upload Date: 8-17-2023 5:59:20 PM
Format: epub
Pages: 576
Language: English
ISBN / ASIN: ISBN10:1845196910
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