The Moral Basis of Democracy .
A wartime manifesto on the moral obligations of democratic citizens from the most influential first lady in American history.
With the threat of the Third Reich looming, Eleanor Roosevelt employs the history of human rights to establish the idea that at the core of democracy is a spiritual responsibility to other citizens. Roosevelt then calls on all Americans, especially the youth, to prioritize the well-being of others and have faith that their fellow citizens will protect them in return. She defines this trust between people as a trait of true democracy.
Roosevelt advances an optimistic model for the democracy of the future, and although weve taken some steps in the direction of her vision, its still a long way from reality. The issues first addressed in this 1940 essaynamely financial inequality and racial discriminationare sadly still relevant today, as bigotry continues to undermine our national unity.
Her first publication as first lady,
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Authors: no autor
Date: 2021
Upload Date: 12/9/2022 5:29:29 PM
Format: epub
Pages: 98
Language: English
ISBN / ASIN: 1504036433
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