Quality, Involvement, Flow: The Systemic Organization .
Current organizations underperform due to silo thinking. Artificial barriers frustrate efforts and perpetuate an organizational model no longer adequate for the complexity of the current business world. Leaders and managers must acquire a whole-system perspective for their organizations to be sustainable. This book provides the overview, knowledge and tools to create a practical shift for 21st century management. The Theory of everything for management an evolved and more scientific Fifth Discipline plus field book for contemporary managers. It follows on from Deming and Goldratt: The Decalogue that continues to sell today and is based on over ten years of implementation.
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Authors: Domenico Lepore and Angela Montgomery
Date: 2016
Upload Date: 9/28/2019 5:56:13 PM
Format: EPUB
Pages: 256
Language: English
ISBN / ASIN: 1138463876
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