The Rugged Entrepreneur: What Every Disruptive Business Leader Should Know .
Have you ever dreamed about owning your own business? Maybe becoming a market disruptor? Would you know where to start? Do you have a coach, a mentor, or a teacher who can show you how? Well, now you do.
If we are lucky, we have been taught to dream since the time we were very young. If we are luckier still, we have also been taught to establish a sturdy foundation for those dreams to stand upon. When building the business youve always dreamed of, you must first establish a rock-solid foundation, something Ive learned from many years of experience as a Rugged Entrepreneur.
What is a Rugged Entrepreneur? Its what I call a special breed of entrepreneur. Ruggeds make the leap toward success in a way that separates them from the millions who fall short because they invest the time and effort to develop and hone the specific set of powerful skills youll discover in these pages.
Ive identified four elements to becoming a Rugged Entrepreneur. These elements can be developed by
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Authors: no autor
Date: 2021
Upload Date: 6/1/2022 7:25:27 AM
Format: epub
Pages: 240
Language: English
ISBN / ASIN: 1948677687
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