Philosophical Foundations of Health Education (Public Health AAHE) .

Philosophical Foundations of Health Education covers the philosophical and ethical foundations of the practice of health education in school, community, work site, and hospital settings, as well as in health promotion consultant activities. The book presents personal philosophies of health educators, essential philosophical perspectives, and a range of philosophical issues that are relevant to health education practice. Philosophical Foundations of Health Education is organized around the five major philosophical traditions: cognitive-based, decision-making, behavior change, freeing/functioning, and social change. Co-published with the American Association for Health Education, this important work is an essential resource for student and professional. Each section contains a challenge to the reader that suggests critical thinking questions to reinforce the key points of the chapter, invite comparison with other perspectives, reflect on the implications of the perspective, note themes that run through the chapters, and consider practical applications of the various philosophical approaches.

Authors: ilosophical Foundations of Health Education (Public Health AAHE) By Jill M. Black, Steven R. Furney,

Date: 2019

Upload Date: 9/28/2019 5:29:30 PM

Format: PDF

Pages: 1



Language: English

ISBN / ASIN: 0470436786


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