Mongodb On AWS: Deployment and administration .

Hadoop and big data are ubiquitous words in the data world today. Although less discussed NoSQL databases are critical part of Big Data ecosystem and probably more broadly deployed among big data counterparts. Advent and popularity of cloud computing paltforms like AWS means NoSQL is becoming more readily available to larger audience. This book is an attempt to provide introductory text on deploying Mongodb on AWS. The book covers introduction on key Mongodb concepts using deployment scenarios on Amazon web services. Each chapter centers around key Mongodb concepts like Replication, sharding, storage and cluster monitoring. Deployment scenarios illustrated using step by step cook-book style approach. Usage of deployment accelerators like CloudFormation, Mongodb management services (MMS) and cloudWatch. Pictorial illustration of key concepts. Discussion on AWS terminology and concepts for Relevant context.
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Authors: sumit saraswat

Date: 2021

Upload Date: 5/31/2022 12:57:21 PM

Format: epub

Pages: 274



Language: English

ISBN / ASIN: 0692506454


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