The Art of Trial Warfare: Winning at Trial Using Sun Tzu’s The Art of War .
Are you struggling to find your stride as a trial attorney? Do you fail, even when you know you are doing everything the right way? Then there is only one question to answer: Are you ready to live by a code and system that will work in any situation? Using Sun Tzus revered The Art of War as a point of inspiration and reference, Michael Waddington offers up bite-size pieces of advice, snippets of strategy, and countless nuggets of wisdom hes accumulated over hundreds of trials. Instead of dwelling on the logistics and technicalities of trial practice, The Art of Trial Warfare illustrates the habits of a successful trial attorney. It speaks eloquently to the art of attack, of exploiting weaknesses, and of leveraging each success. After time, the wisdom becomes muscle memory, instilling habits that will improve any trial attorneys game. Trial is war. Trial lawyers would be well-served to dip into this handy resource time and time again. It serves as an excellent overall philosophy, as well as the ultimate pep talk.
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Authors: Michael S. Waddington
Date: 2021
Upload Date: 6/5/2022 6:07:38 AM
Format: epub
Pages: 148
Language: English
ISBN / ASIN: 1523635894
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