Programming C# .

The first part of this book introduces C# fundamentals, then goes on to explain:
Classes and objects
Inheritance and polymorphism
Operator overloading
Structs and interfaces
Arrays, indexers, and collections
String objects and regular expressions
Exceptions and bug handling
Delegates and events
Part two of Programming C# focuses on development of desktop and Internet applications, including Windows Forms, ADO.NET and ASP.NET. ASP.NET includes Web Forms, for rapid development of web applications, and Web Services for creating objects without user interfaces, to provide services over the Internet.
Part three gets to the heart of the .NET Framework, focusing on attributes and reflection, remoting, threads and synchronization, and streams. Part three also illustrates how to interoperate with COM objects.
In much the way that you can see the features and personality of the parents and grandparents in young children, you can easily see the influence of Java, C++, Visual Basic, and other languages in C#. The level of information in Programming C# allows you to become productive quickly with C# and to rely on it as a powerful addition to your family of mastered programming languages.

Authors: Jesse Liberty

Date: 2001-07-23

Upload Date: 5/12/2021 10:12:42 PM

Format: djvu

Pages: 1



Language: English

ISBN / ASIN: 0596001177


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