Chemical and Biochemical Physics: A Systematic Approach to Experiments, Evaluation, and Modeling .

Written by highly regarded experts in the field, this book covers many of the major themes of chemical and biochemical physics, addressing important issues, from concept to technology to implementation. It provides new research and updates on a variety of issues in physical chemistry and biochemical physics. Many chapters include case studies and supporting technologies and explain the conceptual thinking behind current uses and potential uses not yet implemented. By providing an applied and modern approach, this volume presents a wide-ranging view of current developments in applied methodologies in chemical and biochemical physics research.

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Authors: David Schiraldi and Gennady E. Zaikov

Date: 2016

Upload Date: 9/28/2019 6:51:35 PM

Format: PDF

Pages: 325



Language: English

ISBN / ASIN: 1771883022


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