Smarter Living: Work

The book identifies 5 key areas for building a better life: Work, Nest, Invest, Relate, and Thrive. Each area contains advice curated from the column on topics such as the Art of the Out of Office Reply, the Annual Home Checklist, What to Do When You're Bad at Money, How to Maintain Friendships, and How to Be Better About Stress. Each entry breaks down these sometimes overwhelming topics into manageable tasks through clear and concise guidance, easy-to-follow lists, and informative sidebars.
Thoughtfully designed with bright, four-color illustrations similar to those found in the section, Smarter Living will be a perennial reference on how to create a healthy and happy life.

Authors: Karen Barrow, Tim Herrera, Karron Skog

Date: December 3, 2019

Upload Date: 12/3/2019 10:47:59 AM

Format: azw, mobi, epub

Pages: 1



Language: English



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