A Companion to Familia Romana: Based on Hans rbergs Latine Disco, with Vocabulary and Grammar (Lingua Latina) .

This volume is the completely reset Second Edition of Jeanne Marie Neumann's A College Companion (Focus, 2008).

It offers a running exposition, in English, of the Latin grammar covered in Hans H. rberg's Familia Romana, and includes the complete text of the rberg ancillaries Grammatica Latina and LatinEnglish Vocabulary. It also serves as a substitute for rberg's Latine Disco, on which it is based. As it includes no exercises, however, it is not a substitute for the rberg ancillary Exercitia Latina I.

Though designed especially for those approaching Familia Romana at an accelerated pace, this volume will be useful to anyone seeking an explicit layout of Familia Romana's inductively-presented grammar. In addition to many revisions of the text, the Second Edition also includes new units on cultural context, tied to the narrative content of the chapter.

Authors: Jeanne Neumann

Date: 2016-06-01

Upload Date: 4/26/2017 11:39:34 AM

Format: PDF

Pages: 432



Language: English

ISBN / ASIN: 158510809X

ISBN13: 9781585108091

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