Functional Categories in Three Atlantic Creoles: Saramaccan, Haitian and Papiamentu .

This book is about the functional categories of three Caribbean creoles: Saramaccan, Haitian Creole and Papiamentu with two specific goals. The first one is to evaluate the respective contribution of the source languages to the functional categories of these three creoles. The second is to evaluate the degree of similarity/dissimilarity of the functional categories across these creoles. This study is cast within the relabeling-based account of creole genesis. Several lexical items discussed in this book may fulfill more than one grammatical function thus raising the issue of multifuctionality. No such in-depth comparative work of these three creoles with their source languages and of the three creoles among themselves is available elsewhere in the literature. This book is addressed to linguists (including Master and PhD students) interested in syntactic categories and more specifically in functional categories, to creolists and to researchers interested in language contact.

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Authors: Claire Lefebvre

Date: 2015

Upload Date: 5/8/2020 2:43:17 PM

Format: PDF

Pages: 1



Language: English

ISBN / ASIN: 9027252742


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