Society in Transition: Social Change in Ukraine in Western Perspectives .

This collection celebrates at the same time as it analyses ten years of independence of Ukraine. The essays in this volume focus on the transition of Ukraine from Soviet Ukraine to independence. The chapters are organised according to the four basic processes that make up the transitology model: (1) transitions to a free-market economy (2) transition to a democracy based on civil society (3) development of social trust and (4) development of culture that articulates civil society's basic values and norms. One of the unique features of this volume is that it includes a focus on religion as a factor in the political and social transition of Ukraine. This has not been a usual feature of transitology literature, yet religion potentially plays a significant role in the creation of civil society.

Authors: ciety in Transition: Social Change in Ukraine in Western Perspectives By Dr Wsevolod Isajiw

Date: 2003

Upload Date: 5/8/2020 8:03:46 AM

Format: PDF

Pages: 1



Language: English

ISBN / ASIN: 1551302241


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