Towards a Segmented European Political Order: The European Union’s Post

This book makes a distinctive contribution to the crucial debate on the European Union (EU)s present and future development.
It systematically examines how the range of crises and challenges over the last decade have transformed the EU and relates those findings to the discussion of an increasingly differentiated EU. It argues that the post-crises EU shows clear signs of becoming a segmented political order with in-built biases and constraints. The book spells out the key features of such an order in ideational and structural terms and shows how it more concretely manifests itself in the EUs institutional and constitutional make-up and in how member states constrain and condition EU action. Different states impose different types of constraints, as is underlined through paying explicit attention to the Visegrd countries.
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Authors: Jozef Batora

Date: 2021

Upload Date: 6/4/2022 3:21:35 PM

Format: epub

Pages: 312



Language: English

ISBN / ASIN: 1138495336


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