Transformatio Mundi .
The cultural relations in the East Baltic still remain an ting subject of interdisciplinary discourse. The seminar held in Kaunas in 2004 was the first time when archaeologists from countries around the Baltic Sea have met to discuss the problems concerning special phenomenon of our common past. Archaeologists from various countries and institutions took part in the workshop "Transformatio mundi – the Transition from the Late Migration Period to the Early Viking Age in the East Baltic".
It was an opportunity to engage archaeologists to discuss the problem the idea of which has evolved during a friendly round-table discussion amongst some colleagues in Warszaw. The topic turned out to be the most suitable for symposium.
Authors: Mindaugas Bertasius
Date: 2006
Upload Date: 9/28/2019 1:51:37 PM
Format: PDF
Pages: 202
Language: English
ISBN / ASIN: 9955982713
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