Engaging Native American Publics: Linguistic Anthropology in a Collaborative Key (500 Tips)
Engaging Native American Publics considers the increasing influence of Indigenous groups as key audiences, collaborators, and authors with regards to their own linguistic documentation and r ...
An Ethnography of Global Environmentalism: Becoming Friends of the Earth (Routledge Studies in Anthropology)
Based on nine years of research, this is the first book to offer an in-depth ethnographic study of a transnational environmentalist federation and of activists themselves. The book presents ...
Stuck Moving: Or, How I Learned to Love (and Lament) Anthropology (Volume 9) (Atelier: Ethnographic Inquiry in the Twenty
By:Peter Benson
This one-of-a-kind literary and conceptual experiment does anthropology differentlyin all the wrong ways. No field trips. No other cultures. This is a perso ...
Introducing Cultural Anthropology: A Christian Perspective Ed 2 .
By:Brian M. Howell
What is the role of culture in human experience? This concise yet solid introduction to cultural anthropology helps readers explore and understand this c ...
The Performance of Gender: An Anthropology of Everyday Life in a South Indian Fishing Village (LSE Monographs on Social Anthropology) .
By:Cecilia Busby
The Performance of Gender presents a vivid description of everyday life in order to explore the concept of performance for an anthropology of gender. A det ...
By:Abhijit Guha
Researches on the history of anthropological studies in India, unlike in western countries, has not yet been an established tradition, despite the fact that ...
New Perspectives on Moral Change: Anthropologists and Philosophers Engage with Transformations of Life Worlds (WYSE Series in Social Anthropology, 13) .
By:Cecilie Eriksen
The world we live in is constantly changing. Climate change, transforming gender conceptions, emerging issues of food consumption, novel forms of family ...
Scripting Death: Stories of Assisted Dying in America (Volume 50) (California Series in Public Anthropology) .
By:Mara Buchbinder
How the legalization of assisted dying is changing our lives.
Over the past five years, medical aid-in-dying (also known as assisted suicide) has e ...
People of the Mediterranean: An Essay in Comparative Social Anthropology (Routledge Library Editions: Social and Cultural Anthropology) .
By:J. Davis
The Mediterranean countries have long attracted the attention of social anthropologists, from Frazer and Durkheim to the present day. In this volume, first publ ...
Towards an Anthropology of Wealth .
By:Theodoros Rakopoulos
Aiming to redefine the concept of wealth, which has too often been reduced to merely accumulated assets, this book views wealth primarily as a quest ...