Race and Racism in Latin America and the Caribbean: A Crossview from Brazil (Issn, 1) .
By:Rebecca Lemos Igreja
Race and Racism in Latin America and the Caribbean: A Crossview from Brazil discusses the racial issue in Latin America by inserting Brazil's p ...
They say I came back Americanized: Union Relations Between Brazil and the United States During the Military Dictatorship (Work in Global and Historical Perspective, 12) .
By:Larissa Rosa Correa
Since the 1960s, many influential Latin Americans, such as the leaders of student movements and unions, and political authorities, participated in ex ...
Modernity in Black and White: Art and Image, Race and Identity in Brazil, 1890 1945 (Afro
By:Rafael Cardoso
Modernity in Black and White provides a groundbreaking account of modern art and modernism in Brazil. Departing from previous accounts, mostly restricted ...
Current Trends in Slavery Studies in Brazil (Dependency and Slavery Studies) (Issn, 7) .
By:Stephan Conermann
African slaves were brought into Brazil as early as 1530, with abolition in 1888. During those three centuries, Brazil received 4,000,000 Africans, ove ...
The Politics of Survival: Black Women Social Welfare Beneficiaries in Brazil and the United States (Black Lives in the Diaspora: Past / Present / Future) .
By:Gladys L. Mitchell-Walthour
Poor Black women who benefit from social welfare are marginalized in a number of ways by interlocking systemic racism, sexism, and classism. ...
Dona Ivone Lara’s Sorriso Negro (33 1/3 Brazil) .
By:Mila Burns
More than simply a paragon of Brazilian samba, Dona (Lady) Ivone Lara's 1981 Sorriso Negro (translated to Black Smile) is an album deeply embedded in the ...
The Empire of Apostles: Religion, Accommodatio and The Imagination of Empire in Modern Brazil and India .
By:Ananya Chakravarti
This book recovers the religious roots of Europe's first global order, by tracing the evolution of a religious vision of empire through the lives ...
Sustainable Agri
By:Claire Lamine
Building on recent scholarship in the sociology of food, Claire Lamine uses in-depth case studies from France and Brazil to compile a critical survey of so ...
El Eternauta, Daytripper, and Beyond: Graphic Narrative in Argentina and Brazil (World Comics and Graphic Nonfiction Series) .
By:David William Foster
El Eternauta, Daytripper, and Beyond examines the graphic narrative tradition in the two South American countries that have produced the mediums mos ...
Reform and Political Crisis in Brazil Class Conflicts in Workers’ Party Governments and the Rise of Bolsonaro Neo
By:Armando Boito
This book examines the Brazilian political process in the period of 2003-2020: the governments led by the Workers Party and their reformist policies, the d ...