Future Connected Technologies: Growing Convergence and Security Implications
The main aim of the book is to familiarize readers with the concepts of convergence of different connected and smart domains that are assisted by Cloud Computing, core technologies behind Cl ...
Growing Old with the Welfare State: Eight British Lives .
By:Nick Hubble
The combined effect of the welfare state and medical advances means that more people now live longer lives than ever before in history. As a consequence, the ...
Raised Bed Gardening for Beginners: A Step
By:Don Meskill
Raised bed gardening is a great way to start growing your own fresh produce, especially if you're short on space or have poor soil quality in your yard. ...
Fifty Years of Polyamory in America: A Guided Tour of a Growing Movement .
By:Glen W. Olson
A tour of polyamory in America over the last 50 years.
Fifty Years of Polyamory in America: A Guided Tour to a Growing Movement is unique among the man ...
Unexpected: The Backstory of Finding Elizabeth Smart and Growing Up in the Culture of an American Religion .
By:Chris Thomas
Chris Thomas is not yet thirty years old when he finds himself managing the immense pressure, eccentric personalities, and extenuating circumstances of an i ...
Vegetable, Fruit and Herb Growing in Small Spaces .
By:John Harrison
Whatever the size of your garden – whether it's a tiny patio or even if you only have a windowbox available – John Harrison can help you t ...
The Vegetable Gardening Book: Your complete guide to growing an edible organic garden from seed to harvest .
By:Joe Lamp’l
The award-winning television and podcast host Joe Lampl is here with insider tips and next-level insight for creating a lush, fruitful, and resilient ve ...
Raised Bed Gardening for Beginners: The Ultimate Guide To Maximizing Space For Your Garden And Growing Vegetales, Fruits, Herbs And Flowers .
By:Carole Smithe
Are you contemplating beginning your own nursery?Have you generally been keen on developing your own nursery yet don't think you have sufficient space ...
Proceedings of the 12th International Scientific Conference on Mobility and Transport: Mobility Innovations for Growing Megacities (Lecture Notes in Mobility) .
By:Constantinos Antoniou
This book presents the proceedings of the 12th International Scientific Conference on Mobility and Transport (mobil.TUM 2022) held on 57 April 2022 ...
The World’s Emergency Room: The Growing Threat to Doctors, Nurses, and Humanitarian Workers .
By:Michael VanRooyen
The director of the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative looks at the alarming rise in violence against doctors and aid workers, and how to stop it
Tw ...