Wild Democracy: Anarchy, Courage, and Ruling the Law (HERETICAL THOUGHT SERIES) .
By:Anne Norton
Wild Democracy calls for a more anarchic, more courageous democracy. This is an ethic for people who know the rights they hold, and who struggle to rule them ...
Masculinity and the Ruling of the World .
By:Denise Thompson
Masculinity and the Ruling of the World argues that there is a world-wide culture of masculinity that breeds arrogant dissociated men who are the prime c ...
Following the Leader: Ruling China, from Deng Xiaoping to Xi Jinping .
By:no autor
With unique access to Chinese leaders at all levels of the party and government, best-selling author David M. Lampton tells the story of Chinas political elites ...
The Making of Foreign Policy in Iraq: Political Factions and the Ruling Elite .
By:no autor
How is foreign policy made in Iraq? Based on dozens of interviews with senior officials and politicians, this book provides a clear analysis of the development ...
Illiberal Politics in Southeast Europe: How Ruling Elites Undermine Democracy (The Southeast Europe and Black Sea Series) .
By:no autor
The world is increasingly becoming less democratic and this trend has not left Southeast Europe untouched. But instead of democratic breakdown what we are witne ...
Luxury and the Ruling Elite in Socialist Hungary: Villas, Hunts, and Soccer Games (Studies in Hungarian History) .
By:no autor
After World War II, a new community of elite emerged in Hungary, in spite of the communist principles espoused by the government. In Luxury and the Ruling Elite ...
Ruling by Cheating: Governance in Illiberal Democracy (Cambridge Studies in Constitutional Law) .
By:no autor
There is widespread agreement that democracy today faces unprecedented challenges. Populism has pushed governments in new and surprising constitutional directio ...
Medieval Rule in Tibet: The Rlangs Clan and the Political and Religious History of the Ruling House of Phag mo gru pa. With a Study of the Monastic Art of Gdan sa mthil (2 Volume Set) .
By:Olaf Czaja
The present work is devoted to a significant period of medieval history of Tibet, during a crucial spell when the noble house of the Phag mo gru pa dominated ...
The Business of State: Ottoman Finance Administration and Ruling Elites in Transition (1580s1615) (Studien Zur Sprache, Geschichte Und Kultur der Turkv lker) .
By:Pal Fodor
Studien zur Sprache, Geschichte und Kultur der Turkvlker was founded in 1980 by the Hungarian Turkologist Gyrgy Hazai. The series deals with all aspects of Tur ...
Ruling the Greek World: Approaches to the Roman Empire in the East (Potsdamer Altertumswissenschaftliche Beitrage) .
By:Juan Manuel Cortes Copete
This book analyses the procedures, ideas and realities that allowed the people from the Greek East to become a part of the Roman Empire, while ...