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Art relatedArt related,Choral,Download,epub,Joyful,Justice,Library,Musicking,Noise,Queerly

2018 Choice Outstanding Academic Title
Honorable Mention, 2019 Herndon Book Prize – (SEM-GST)

A Queerly Joyful Noise examines how choral singing can be both personally transf ...

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In this volume of his work, the author starts a debate taking two full volumes to answer the objections that are often raised concerning social mixing and keeping a womans face uncovered in ...

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New perspectives on the changing epidemiology of sub-Saharan Africa.

Epidemiological Change and Chronic Disease in Sub-Saharan Africa offers new and critical perspectives on the causes ...

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Computer ScienceAnalytics,Data,Deriving,Download,Existing,Expert's,From,Intelligence,Library,Machine

Big Data Analytics Using Splunk is a hands-on book showing how to process and derive business value from big data in real time. Examples in the book draw from social media sources such as Tw ...

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This book provides a “birds eye” view of social change in France during the “long seventeenth century” from 1589-1715. One of the most dynamic phases of French histor ...

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Contrary to the natural order conjectured by Herbert Spencer (1820-1903) in his Social Darwinism, which was natural only to the extent of a reproduction of the social construction of a parti ...

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Health and CareDownload,Handbook,Handbooks,International,Library,Neuroendocrinology,Routledge,Social

The Routledge International Handbook of Social Neuroendocrinology is an authoritative reference work providing a balanced overview of current scholarship spanning the full breadth of the rap ...

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Health and CareBodies,Book,Download,Library,Psychoanalysis,Rhythms,Series,Social

This exciting new book traces the development of an unfolding challenge for psychoanalytic attention, which augments contemporary theoretical lenses focusing on structures of meaning, with a ...

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This volume looks at concepts and processes of social exclusion and social inclusion. It traces a number of discourses, all of them routed in a relational power analysis, examining them in t ...

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Health and CareAreas,Challenges,Download,epub,Forward,Health,Library,Mental,Practice,Social

Social Work in Mental Health brings together a range of scholarly reflections and writings on the different roles of a social worker in the field of mental health. It provides a holistic pic ...