Red Hat Fedora Linux 3 Bible .

Offering stepbystep instructions for making Linux installation simple and painless, this valuable resource explains how to take advantage of the desktop interface and use the Linux shell, file system, and text editor
Covers key system administration skills including setting up users, automating system tasks, backing up and restoring files, and understanding the latest security issues and threats
Addresses using and customizing the desktop menus, icons, window manager, and xterm and how to create and publish formatted documents with Linux applications
Features expanded coverage of LDAP, 2.6 Linux Kernel, Security Enhanced Linux, and new multimedia applications including new audio and video offerings
The accompanying DVD contains the full version of Red Hat Linux, including all binary code packages and source code

Authors: Christopher Negus

Date: 2017

Upload Date: 7/17/2018 3:48:37 PM

Format: CHM

Pages: 1



Language: English

ISBN / ASIN: 0764578723


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