Pristine Stock Trading Method .

Greg Capra – Pristine Stock Trading Method
English Size: 4.17 GB
Category: Business : Investing

Pristine has been providing traders with cutting edge strategies to improve their trading for years. The concepts they share are based on the years of research and experience of their co-founder, Greg Capra. Don't pass up this opportunity to save big on these Greg Capra Signature Courses.
You can own ALL seven 90-minute courses including:

1. Mastering Candlestick Charts Part I
2. Mastering Candlestick Charts Part II
3. Intra-day Trading with Market Internals Part I
4. Intra-day Trading with Market Internals Part II
5. Sentiment Internal Indicators for Winning Swing and Position Trading
6. Breadth Internal Indicators for Winning Swing and Position Trading
7. Predicting Trends with Intermarket Analysis

Authors: Greg Capra

Date: 2018

Upload Date: 7/16/2018 12:26:24 PM

Format: MP4




Language: English

ISBN / ASIN: 0000000000


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